Technology and Research on Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at LMU Munich (TRAIL)

Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have enabled exciting applications, which are now playing important roles in everyday life ranging from language translation and image processing to recommender systems and autonomous driving. Most applications are based on Machine Learning (ML), which achieved great successes due to increasingly available computational resources and data. The current trend of AI offers numerous opportunities to contribute within areas of research, theory, technology, and application. In TRAIL, we investigate different directions of AI and ML to provide novel methods and insights to pave the way for future applications and technologies.


  1. Overview
  2. Projects and Activities
  3. Teaching
  4. The TRAIL Core Team

1. Overview

In TRAIL, we regard the term intelligence with respect to the behaviour of an entity. For simplification we assume an entity to be intelligent if it is able to learn from past experience, to think about future events or actions, and to act according to its knowledge, thoughts, and interaction with other entities. Our research in TRAIL focuses on these three main aspects:


Learning is the process of extracting knowledge from data which represents past experience. The knowledge can be used to identify salient patterns or structures in data or to make predictions. Machine Learning is currently the most active field in AI and has achieved tremendous progress in various domains over the last decade.

Selected Publications


The goal of Thinking is to solve problems via explicit reasoning given a problem model, rules, or a simulator. Planning and Scheduling represent common classes of problem solvers and are often used for complex tasks like routing, task allocation, and decision making.

Selected Publications


Acting of AI systems involves the process of making intelligent decisions based on knowledge learned from prior experience or explicit reasoning. Acting is also influenced by coexisting AI systems e.g., in a multi-agent system. Social interaction with humans is important to integrate AI into our everyday life.

Selected Publications

See all publications here.

2. Projects and Activities

AI-Fusion (Fraunhofer IKS)

Modular Machine Learning (Siemens)
Federated Decentralized
Learning 2 (Siemens)
Federated Decentralized
Learning 2 (Siemens)
Constrained Graphs For Optimal Flow (Telekom)
Dependability of Machine Learning in Industrial Environments 2 (Siemens)
Dependability of Machine Learning in Industrial Environments 2 (Siemens)
ErLoWa: Recognition and Localization of of Leaks in Water Networks (SWM)
Engineering of Decentralized Systems (Siemens)

3. Teaching

We offer a diverse set of lectures and practical courses with each covering different areas of AI. Students eligible to attend these courses have the opportunity to learn about the theoretic aspects of AI and to practice their skills by implementing and evaluating algorithms. Courses are occasionally held in cooperation with industrial partners to enable our students to gain further experience. Especially skilled students are offered to actively participate in TRAIL by carrying out individual research projects or writing their theses about exciting topics in the field of AI.

4. The TRAIL Core Team

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gabor

Philipp Altmann

Thomy Phan

(Former Head)

Julian Schönberger

Jonas Nüßlein

Maximilian Zorn
Currently 42 graduate students are working within TRAIL alongside our team.