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Dr. Lenz Belzner Lehrstuhl für Mobile und Verteilte Systeme Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für Informatik Oettingenstraße 67 Raum G006 Telefon: +49 89 / 2180-9185 Fax: +49 89 / 2180-9148 Mail: belzner@ifi.lmu.de |
Now working @ ZenAI
Research Interests
- Artificial Intelligence
- Automated Planning
- Machine Learning
- Multiagent Systems
- Representation Learning
- Risk, Safety & Uncertainty
- Quantum Computing
See the DARTS project page.
Supervised Theses
- Johannes Hutter. Compression of GPS Trajectories with Autoencoders. Master thesis, 2017
- Lin Xu. Adaptive Observability Range in Reinforcement Learning. Master thesis, 2017
- Thomy Phan. EVADE: Emergent Value function Approximation for Distributed Environments. Master thesis, 2017
- Tayfun Arikan. Temporal Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning. Bachelor thesis, 2017
- Thomy Phan. Self-Organizing Multi-Agent Coordination in Discrete Domains. Intern, 2017
- Michael Woborschil. Predictive Physics under Uncertainty. Bachelor thesis, 2017
- Alexander Neitz. Deep Q-Embedding for Transfer Reinforcement Learning. Master thesis, 2017
- Alexander Isenko. Neuroevolution in RoboCup2D. Bachelor thesis, 2017
- Kyrill Schmid. Risk-Sensitive Online Planning. Bachelor thesis, 2017
- Tobias Duemmling. Temporal Abstractors. Bachelor thesis, 2017
- Felix Reihl. PID Parameter Value Estimation by Stochastic Optimization. Master thesis, 2016
- Florian Kirchgeßner. Heuristic Online Planning with Genetic Algorithms. Bachelor thesis, 2016
- Patrick Haller von Hallerstein. Evolutionary Level Generation for General Video Game Playing. Bachelor thesis, 2016
- Hermann Redich. Multi-Agent Coordination with the Cross Entropy Method. Bachelor thesis, 2016
- Jan Peter. Design and Implementation of a Visualization Toolkit for Monte Carlo Tree Search. Bachelor thesis, 2015
- Angela Peng. Application of Monte Carlo Tree Search Methods to the Game Othello. Bachelor thesis, 2015
- Alexander Neitz. Model Induction through Term Generalization. Bachelor thesis, 2015
- Otto Voggenreiter. General Game Playing in Rewriting Logic. Bachelor thesis, 2015
- Stefanie Neubert. Using Incremental Regression Trees for Solving Relational Reinforcement Learning Problems. Master thesis, 2015
- Philipp Laube. Proteome Visualization Tool. Bachelor thesis, 2014
- Michael Sappler. Evaluating Multi-Agent Exploration Strategies in Limited Communication Range Scenarios. Master thesis, 2013
Lectures (as teaching assistant)
- Software Engineering (2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15)
- Affective Computing (2017)
- iOS Development (2017)
- Programming Autonomous Systems (2015/16, 2016, 2016/17)
- Artificial Intelligence (2017)
- Scientific Working and Teaching (2014, 2015)
- Engineering Intelligent Distributed Systems (2013)
- Adaptive Agents (2012)
- Lenz Belzner, Thomas Gabor. Scalable Multiagent Coordination with Distributed Online Open Loop Planning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.07544, 2017. [PDF] [github]
- Lenz Belzner. Monte Carlo Action Programming. arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.08441, 2017. [PDF]
- Lenz Belzner, Thomas Gabor. Bayesian Verification under Model Uncertainty. SEsCPS @ ICSE 2017, to appear. [PDF] [github]
- Lenz Belzner, Thomas Gabor. Stacked Thompson Bandits. SEsCPS @ ICSE 2017, to appear. [PDF] [github]
- Thomas Gabor, Marie Kiermeier, Lenz Belzner: Don’t Lose Control, Stay Up To Date: Automated Runtime Quality Engineering. C. Linnhoff-Popien, R. Schneider and M. Zaddach (Eds.): Digital Marketplaces Unleashed, Springer: to appear
- Lenz Belzner. Simulation-Based Autonomous Systems in Discrete and Continuous Domains. PhD Thesis, LMU Munich, 2016. [PDF]
Lenz Belzner, Thomas Gabor. QoS-Aware Multi-armed Bandits. IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems. IEEE, 2016. [authors‘ draft]
- Lenz Belzner, Matthias Hölzl, Nora Koch, Martin Wirsing: Collective Autonomic Systems: Towards Engineering Principles and their Foundations. Transactions on Foundations for Mastering Change I. Springer International Publishing, 2016. 180-200.
- Thomas Gabor, Lenz Belzner, Marie Kiermeier, Michael Beck, Alexander Neitz: A Simulation-Based Architecture for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems. ICAC 2016: 374-379
- Lenz Belzner: Time-Adaptive Cross Entropy Planning. ACM SAC 2016: 254-259. [PDF@ACM] [author’s draft]
Lenz Belzner, Alexander Neitz: Learning Relational Probabilistic Action Models for Online Planning with Decision Forests. ACM SAC 2016: 248-253. [PDF@ACM]
- Lenz Belzner, Michael Beck, Thomas Gabor, Harald Roelle, Horst Sauer: Software Engineering for Distributed Autonomous Real-Time Systems. SEsCPS @ ICSE 2016: 54-57. [PDF@ACM] [authors‘ draft]
Lenz Belzner, Rolf Hennicker, Martin Wirsing: OnPlan: A Framework for Simulation-Based Online Planning. FACS 2015: 1-30. [PDF]
- Stefanie Neubert, Lenz Belzner, Martin Wirsing: Algebraic Reinforcement Learning – Hypothesis Induction for Relational Reinforcement Learning Using Term Generalization. Logic, Rewriting, and Concurrency 2015: 562-579
- Hella Seebach, Lenz Belzner et al.: Modelling, Specification, and Programming for Collective Adaptive Systems, in Jane Hillston, Jeremy Pitt, Martin Wirsing, and Franco Zambonelli: Collective Adaptive Systems: Qualitative and Quantitative Modelling and Analysis (Dagstuhl Report), 2015: 81-90
- Lenz Belzner, Rocco De Nicola, Andrea Vandin, Martin Wirsing: Reasoning (on) Service Component Ensembles in Rewriting Logic. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 188-211
- Lenz Belzner: Verifiable Decisions in Autonomous Concurrent Systems. COORDINATION 2014: 17-32
- Lenz Belzner: Value Iteration for Relational MDPs in Rewriting Logic. STAIRS 2014: 61-70
- Lenz Belzner: Action Programming In Rewriting Logic. TPLP 13 (4-5-Online-Supplement) (2013)
On Google Scholar.